Concerti Grossi Op.6 Nos. 9-12
The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock
Archiv 410 899-2
This release of Handel's Concerti grossi, op. 6 Nos. 9-12 completes the CD issue transferred from the original three LP set. Readers will know that, apart from a small number of quibbles, I have been enthusiastic about The English Concert's performances of Handel's finest set of concertos. Trevor Pinnock and his players are fastidious in matter of detail and I find these readings well thought out, effectively phrased and very well played. The Overture of the Tenth Concerto, beautifully poised and with a nicely judged tempo, is one movement which shows off some of the strongest elements in these performances; the bustling vigour of the penultimate Allegro of the same concerto is another, whilst the captivating little D major Allegro moderato, which ends the same work, is pleasingly light-footed. There Pinnock captures the dance-like spirit of the piece with affection.
Recorded sound is clear and fairly resonant throughout, but that goes, too, for the LPs. Both versions, and indeed a third on cassette, can be warmly recommended.
Nicholas Anderson, Gramophone Magazine
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